Saturday, April 12, 2008

Goals for this week

I thought I would write about my goals for the coming week. This week, I finished 38th on the sng low orbit leaderboard, which pays $10. This coming week, I want a top 30 finish, which pays $20, or better yet a to 10 finish, or even a win, which pays $150. I'm gonna try my best to get the top score, I honestly should have had it this week, I just made one too many mistakes in my play. Another goal of mine is simply to keep my bankroll above $100, and continue to follow my bankroll management guidelines. I'm going to try to satelite into the 100k tomorrow, and an in the money finish would be cool in that event. Wish me luck on my goals for this week, I'm confident I can meet them!


Curtis Jones said...

hope everything goes well, keep up the brm and gl in the 100k if that goes down!

inscore77 said...

Thanks, hope you get your money over to Stars from Cake as well

Entiteit said...

Nice work man keep it up.
Hope you make your goals happen !

Make us play money sellers proud =]

inscore77 said...

I plan on keeping it up, my only real goal bankroll wise is to stay above $100 for the rest of the month. We'll work from there come May